About Me

I have spent the last 30 years creating art. My latest medium is my camera. I still love painting and drawing. For those viewing my photos, I hope to inspire the same creative passions that led me to capture each of these moments in time.

The Hikes

I feel that I am very blessed to live in such a place that is filled with endless places to hike and enjoy the out doors.  Yes, it rains too much!  But, on the flip side we have a healthy living vibrant eco-system.  I am in awe at what I see on every walk or hike.  Everything is breathing and alive.

The Wood Spirit

They are called by many names: Wood Spirit, Wild Man, Savage Man, Woodwose. Regardless, the next time you are strolling through the woods, keep an eye out for one of these elusive beings.
Most often glimpsed as a green man with leaves for his beard and hair, the Wood Spirit is said to be Lord of the Forest and Natural Things. Seeing one is said to be quite a lucky thing, and European villagers used to go out on regular hunts, hoping to find a Wood Spirit to foretell the future of their village.
They are extremely strong. Wood Spirits can tear an opponent limb from limb and can tame any wild animal, including ferocious dragons and skittish unicorns. At the same time, they are gentle with the maidens, children and men of good heart.
It is said that the forest will stand for as long as the Wood Spirit remains to keep order. And if you're lucky enough to see one, health, happiness and good fortune will follow. However, that does not happen often. Wood Spirits would rather see than be seen. Most sightings are by children or by the pure of heart.
When you take your Wood Spirit home, give it a place of honor. Include the Wood Spirit in the audience when you tell jokes (Wood Spirits have a delightful sense of humor). If you do these things, your Wood Spirit will bring his gentle wisdom, humor, and luck into your home. Enjoy!
Author Unknown

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